Jess, Jen (x2) Thank you for being our Heavenly Father's hand's and feet. Your passion and zest for ,"Giving Life" in Africa at the Rapha house as well as here in Red Deer, fire's Shauna and I up! Thank you for being obedient. We ask our God, would see fit to pour out His Spirit like a mighty river through you and your work in Africa. That nothing will be able to stand in HIS way. He is THE star breathing God, who created this earth. 10 acres is nothing in comparison. Bless you guys and looking forward to hearing about what's happening there.
Jess, Jen (x2) Thank you for being our Heavenly Father's hand's and feet. Your passion and zest for ,"Giving Life" in Africa at the Rapha house as well as here in Red Deer, fire's Shauna and I up! Thank you for being obedient. We ask our God, would see fit to pour out His Spirit like a mighty river through you and your work in Africa. That nothing will be able to stand in HIS way. He is THE star breathing God, who created this earth. 10 acres is nothing in comparison. Bless you guys and looking forward to hearing about what's happening there.