Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And yes....I spelled adventure wrong.....still trying to correct that little diddy!  
IF this post works well we will be doing many more of these in the future! 

Love you all

Curtis, and Jesse

Friday, July 24, 2009

For more information on the VTI segment of our trip check out

you can also contact us at

011 254 736 039454

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21, 2009

This is Curtis' Mom. I want to update you on the African adventure. Curtis is not able to have access to the internet so has asked me to share some long overdue information.

The team made it to Nairobi and after a couple of days they went on the the Turtle Bay
Club Resort north of Mombasa where they joined other missionaries from Wycliffe for a conference. Some of the team lead in worship ministry at the adult sessions while others worked in the children's minisrty. This was a gentle introduction to Africa.

Today is July 21 and I just talked with Curtis. The cell phone is great, but a bit delayed. The team is doing well. They arrived at a village of mainly mud huts that is about 30-45 minutes outside of Mombasa on Thursday, July 16th. This was a change in plans - they had understood that they would be working in the city. The village is not far from a main road but it feels isolated. They are situated in a beautiful valley with a river but it is quite dry in the area. This is their winter. The village is made up of an extended family that lives in the area. Some team members are walking about 1-2 km to meet at the church. The weather is about the same as Alberta these days but more humid. They are finding that the program items (except maybe for the music) that they prepared to use, are being set aside. Playing with the kids and making visits to the church members is what they are spending their time at so far. The team is divided into pairs and is being hosted in the Kenyan homes. The people are poor farmers who grind their corn into meal for the day's food. Some of the team have bed frames and some sleep on the floor - none are very comfortable. Most floors are dirt with the occasional cement floor. Most people speak no English so there is little verbal communication between the team and the family in many of the homes. The Compassion ministries has a connection to this village and has kids coming in on Saturdays. The team was able to take public transportation to Mombasa yesterday - Monday July 20. They were able to buy some supplies such as mosquito nets, water, soccer balls, Swahili bibles, and the most needed toilet paper!

In general, it seems that the team is in good spirits. Everything is so new and some of them struggle more than others with the culture. Continue to pray for them as they make the adjustments. They will be in these homes for about 2 more weeks.

As we talk to Curtis, we will try to update the blog.