Saturday, July 10, 2010

Loving it at the Rapha House ;)


  1. Thanks for the update, so good to see your smiles. Jack was the only one up when I watched this and he was talking right along with you, answering back and waving. God Bless you all and we will be in prayer with you and the boys for the future of the house. God's Will will be shown.

  2. Praying for you guys! Good to see your faces!

  3. Good to hear from you guys and meet your 'boys' too. I can see that you are loving what God has for you over on and know that you are covered with prayers from back here.

    Will Rapha House have to move in Sept for sure?

    I heard Sami found you! Thanks for being personal messengers for me!! You rock (asante Jesse).

    Bless you.

  4. Every time I watch a video update from you guys it makes want to be back there with ya'll so badly! But it seems like the Lord has really answered prayers and that things there in the Rapha house are going so well and the boys seem to be in line with the Lord. I'm so encouraged by what ya'll are continually doing there and would love to catch up with the house! Blessings and ya'll, Car, Whit and the house! Much love
